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Blogging Safety Tips By vpnwelt

Blogging Safety Tips By vpnwelt

Let’s start by introducing VPNwelt. How did you start, and what is your mission?

Blogging Safety Tips By vpnwelt is one of my creations dedicated to cybersecurity and proven ways to protect online browsing for internet users. Our team of meticulous and tech-savvy experts seek out pressing topics to cover regularly for our readers. In addition, we tested different VPN services to recommend the best ones on the Blogging Safety Tips By vpnwelt market. We often discuss Blogging Safety Tips By vpnwelt during meetings because every expert has their opinion on this or that service.

And talking about why the Blogging Safety Tips By VPNwelt scheme was born is a funny story. But, of course, it wasn’t funny when it happened. It was in the early 2000s. I was more naive back then. I received a malicious email from a user who used my friend’s name. Also I opened this letter which included some files. I downloaded them, causing significant operational issues and data loss. Now I am grateful for this situation. It made me rethink my ignorant internet use and inspired me to help thousands of people stay safe online.

Many still trust that blogging is risk-free, which is a myth. So what do you think are the worst cyber threats for bloggers today?

I agree with you. Unfortunately, it is not a risk-free activity for all users. According to Cybercrime Magazine, for example, by the end of 2021, cybercrime is expected to cost the world $6 trillion. Therefore, cyber threats have made their way into the lives of ordinary people, bloggers, and big corporations. As a blogger, I often face the following problems:

Malware is contaminated software from viruses, worms, ransomware, and spyware. Using such a threat, the hacker can get your personal information and make your system unusable.

Phishing, the drive to steal sensitive data and use it for a hacker’s personal needs, is a fake email with precise instructions.

Password attacks. Unfortunately, many of us still recycle our passwords across multiple platforms or have specific passwords. As a result, hackers can trick people into saying their passwords, accessing a database of leaked passwords, or even guessing them.

Internal threats. A cunning (manager) or former malicious employee who had or had access to crucial information about your business that can be sold or used against you.

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Can you also share some WordPress security tips for bloggers?

If you want to make sure your WordPress blog is secure, follow these steps regularly (once a month would be enough):

Change your password. I have already mentioned the problem of password reuse, which is common among those who are sure that no hacker will ever attack them. (Let’s hope this doesn’t happen to you and use preventative measures, okay?) Also, even if your WordPress password doesn’t match the others, you should still change it from time to time to be safe. You may need an online password generator to create a strong password and a password manager to keep it in a safe place but easily accessible to you and your colleagues.

Limit access to your website. If you are not the sole author of your WordPress blog, you can regulate the number of features and permissions you grant to your contributors or authors. You don’t necessarily need admin access to be able to post articles.

Limit login attempts. If you enable this WordPress feature, it can make sit much more difficult for hackers to find your login details and access your content.

Update WordPress. Although all the update notifications may seem redundant and annoying, they help keep the platform improved and secure. Also, the same rule applies to your themes and plugins. To avoid bugs and possible security flaws, you can also update them.

Check the security of your website. Using specialized plugins, you can scan your WordPress blog for vulnerabilities. If anything suspicious is created, these scanners remove it immediately.

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