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The Most Quiet Air Conditioners You Can Purchase

The Most Quiet Air Conditioners You Can Purchase


When we think of quiet air conditioners, the main issues that come to mind are efficiency and comfort. However, another factor that can significantly affect the convenience of an air-conditioned environment: is noise. Also quiet air conditioners work hard to operate, so it is difficult for any machine to do so in complete silence. However, if you are looking for a silent air conditioner, there are some things to consider. These comprise the type of system, the brand, and its place.

How are Noise Levels Measured?

You can’t “try earlier you buy” when it comes to quiet air conditioners, but you can research their noise levels by looking at the spec sheets for a specific brand or checking with the retailer before you buy. Noise levels are measures in decibels (dB), and there will usually be two numbers: one referring to noise from a unit inside the house and the other to noise from outside.

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What Levels are Considered Acceptable?

Regarding indoor noise in an air conditioner, several factors include the unit’s volume. However, in a riven system, for example, it is sensible not to exceed 35dB. However, some duct systems can measure up to 23dB and some window units up to 56dB. A noisy indoor unit can ultimately delay your sleep, conversation, or activities.

  • For comparison, here are some standard sound levels:
  • 20dB is equivalent to a whisper
  • 30 dB is equivalent to the sound level of a quiet house
  • And, 40 dB is equivalent to the ambient noise you would hear in a residence
  • area or park
  • 50 dB is equal to a quiet car interior while driving
  • Also, 60dB is equivalent to a typical conversation
  • 70 to 80dB is equal to the noise of a vacuum cleaner

As for outside noise, the quieter your unit, the better, but most councils have noise restrictions on quiet air conditioners. As a general rule of thumb, they should be no louder than 5dB above the typical ambient noise in your area.

However, the guidelines may differ by state, especially if you install an outdoor unit near a bedroom, living room window, or a neighbour’s home. If you’re in a condominium-managed unit or apartment, you’ll likely need approval from the landlord’s company, so check the regulations for more details. Also, more information on Queensland noise regulations can found here.

What kind of Air Conditioners is the Quietest?

Ducted air conditioners are usually the quietest, shadowed by split systems. Portable air conditioners and window units are generally the gaudiest. Wall-mounted or window air conditioners are noisy due to their installation location, while ducted systems often have noisy components in the ceiling cavity.

Newer Units vs Older Units

As for interior and exterior noise, much will depend on your device’s age, brand and model. Older units will generally noisier than newer models, but it also largely depends on how the team was completes.

Many of the major brands featured in this article have invested significantly in research and development to ensure that cutting-edge technology is incorporated into the design to minimize noise. These include specially designed vents on the outdoor units, aerodynamic fan blades on the indoor split system and its outdoor unit. And the latest novelties in compressor technology to safeguard efficient and quiet operation. Some models also include a “Quiet Operations” feature, making them ideal for areas like studies and nurseries.

System Placement

When installing an air conditioning system, it helps to think carefully about where to place it, especially outside your home. Although you generally don’t need approval from your local council, as mentioned above, there may be guidelines on how much noise is acceptable in your local residential area.

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